1. Telephone the Gibbons Family Funeral Home: (773) 777-3944
2.Inform Gibbons Family Funeral Home of the following information:
3.Make an appointment immediately with Gibbons Family Funeral Home
4.Gather information for the Death Certificate:
5.Select clothing and personal items for the deceased.
6.Gather Obituary Information: Gibbons Family Funeral Home will normally write the article and submit to the newspaper(s).
7.Decide an appropriate memorial to which gifts can be made. (Church, Hospice, Library, School, or Charity)
8.Select Pallbearers.
9.Make a list and contact by telephone:
10.Locate the will and notify the Lawyer and Executor.
11.Arrange for members of the family or close friends to take turns answering door or telephone. Keep a careful record of all calls.
12.Arrange for childcare, if necessary.
13.Arrange hospitality for visiting relatives and friends.
14.Check and notify:
15.Prepare a list of distant persons to be notified.
16.Social Security
17.If deceased was living alone, notify:
Copyright © Gibbons Family Funeral Home, Ltd. All rights reserved.