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Carol Kolberg

Carol Ann Kolberg; dearest daughter of the late Edward and Alice nee Manick; loving cousin of C. Thomas (Dorothy) Kuhn, Ronald (Pamela) Schultz, Sharon (John) Wach and the late Marianne Fujara; dear great aunt of many nieces and nephews. Visitation Saturday 9:30 AM until mass of Christian Burial 10:30 AM at St. Pascal Church (Melvina & Irving Park). Interment St. Joseph Cemetery. All Covid-19 restrictions and protocols are to be followed and space may be limited. Arrangements entrusted to Gibbons Family Funeral Home. For info 773-777-3944 or

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Service Location

Visitation & Mass
St. Pascal Church
3935 N. Melvina
Chicago, IL 60634

St. Joseph Cemetery
Belmont & Cumberland
River Grove, IL

This post has 18 comments
Mary Egan
28 Dec 2020

Carol was a good friend and a wonderful principal! I will always remember our talks and visits. I am happy she is at peace and with those who love her and will embrace her. I am sorry I have not been able to be there for her near the end thanks to Co-Vid but she has been in my prayers and thoughts and will continue to be in my prayers along with her family.
With all my love!
Mary Egan

Mary Ellen O'Brien
28 Dec 2020

So very grateful that God allowed Carol to touch my life. She’s truly one of the best people I’ve ever met. Rest in peace with the Lord. Mary Ellen & Pat O’Brien

Gayle Basgall
28 Dec 2020

So sorry to hear the news. We were a St. Barts family and will always be grateful for knowing her and being lucky enough to have her be our principal! Awesome lady and we were blessed by her wisdom and compassion.

Diane Schultz
29 Dec 2020

Ms. Kolberg was such a wonderful principal and teacher for our family across St. Pascal’s and St. Bartholomew parishes. She was a such caring teacher and dear friend to childhood classmates including Uncle. Always looked up to her as a strong, elegant role model. Thank you for all the kindness you showed our family. May you rest in peace. I can only imagine the twinkling mischief you, Cardinal George, Carolla, and Uncle Don are getting involved in heaven. Thank you Ms. Kolberg.

Kathryn (Revere) Giarratano
29 Dec 2020

RIP, Miss Kolberg. You were the best teacher I ever had!

Michael Telposky
30 Dec 2020

Miss Kolberg was my principal and a firm believer in children and education. I am grateful I was also able to know Miss Kohlberg as an adult. May she rest in the peace of God.

Sally Sover
30 Dec 2020

Carol was the first principal who hired me as a teacher at Mary, Seat of Wisdom. She was an amazing mentor who greatly influenced my career and positively impacted my life. I am currently the Head of a School and think of the lessons learned by her often. The many ways in which she touched lives will forever go on! I never thanked her enough. Rest in peace, Carol.

Francis Mary Rita
31 Dec 2020

Had the privilege of having Carol Kolberg as my Principal at Mary Seat of Wisdom. She was beyond the best in that role. Well respected and appreciated
by all. A group of us from MSW visited her often over the years bringing her her favorite lunch (Perry’s Pizza and a homemade dessert). Interestingly, some
of these same friends will now welcome her with open arms into her new heavenly home. Peace be with you Carol.

2 Jan 2021

Thank you Carol for all the many ways you touched my life, the lives of my girls and the entire St Bartholomew family. Rest In Peace.

Eileen Fogarty Canavan
2 Jan 2021

I worked for Carol at MSW. What an amazing principal, mentor, and faith-filled human being. I am very grateful and blessed to have know her. Rest In Peace Carol.

Jean Sloan
2 Jan 2021

I was very fortunate to have Carol Kolberg as my Principal at Mary Seat of Wisdom School. She was a true professional and a wonderful and caring person. She did a lot for me and my family and I will always be grateful for the time I was able to spend with her. I was in the group from MSW that would visit her and bring Perry’s Pizza for lunch. We would have a good time talking and catching up on family news often times sharing pictures. Thank you Carol for all that you contributed to the field of education and may you find the peace you deserve.

Joe P Mullarkey
2 Jan 2021

In the mid-seventies, I spent quality, one-on-one time with Ms. Kolberg in her principal’s office—for all the wrong reasons. But during that time, she remained calm, respectful and caring. In the years since she always ‘lit up’ when we’d meet again. She remains a great influence and role model for me of respect, kindness and the generosity of the human spirit. “Thanks,” is too simple a word. “Gratitude,” comes closer, but still doesn’t describe the depth of my appreciation for her place in my life.

Jean Sloan
2 Jan 2021

I had the privilege of having Carol Kolberg as my Principal at Mary Seat of Wisdom School. She was a true professional and a wonderful and caring individual. She did a lot for me and I will always be grateful for the time I was able to spend with her. I was in the MSW group that brought Perry’s Pizza when we visited her. We would catch up on family news oftentimes sharing pictures. Thank you Carol for your many contributions to education and now Rest In Peace, you deserve it.

Colleen Mullarkey
4 Jan 2021

Ms. Kolberg was a warm and dignified woman. She was a real role model for girls growing up in the 1960s. She had an impact on my 7 siblings and on me as a teacher and then principal at St. Pascal. Years later, she met with me when I was about to begin teaching and helped me a great deal. She was compassionate, wise and had a wonderful sense of humor. I’m so grateful I knew her. Colleen Mullarkey

Jean Head
5 Jan 2021

I met Carol at Alverno College, and it was a pleasure to spend 4 years of studies and fun with her. Then;, a few years after graduation, she went with me and a few other classmates to U. of Colorado in Boulder where we earned a few more credits and had lots of adventures. Later, Carol earned her Masters while working as a great principal. We continued to keep in touch over the years. Now, May she rest in peace.

Patrice Gronwick
6 Jan 2021

Rest in peace Ms.Kolberg. You were a wonderful school principal.

Andrea iantorno
24 Mar 2021

Omg. I will never forget Carol kolberg she was my 5th and 6th grade teacher at Saint Pascal’s. I with failing, it was because of her kindness and patience that she saw something in me and taught me how to pay attention and take notes. I became her A student, and went on to become a special education teacher and later a master’s degree as a nurse practitioner. There was no special ed in those days! We have lost a one of a kind. I was just thinking of her to day and spontaneously saw this .
With love to “miss kolberg”
Never forgotten
Andrea iantorno

Cole S Gidley
16 Jan 2022

Miss Kolberg was my principal. I was a tormented child by the students as well as by life. My Father passed away at the age of 10. At that time Ms. Kolberg was the most influential person in my life. I didn’t wanna arrive at school, but she showed partially when I did to stave off the bullying I received. She literally took money out of her own pocket to put clothes on my back and supported my interests. Miss Kolberg was an example of a human being. No doubt. If we’re all more like her this world would be a better place. Cole

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